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Read here what parents say about Good Birth Class with KG Hypnobirthing


I'm a suited and booted lawyer so the hippy approach wouldn't have been for me. The scientific reasoning behind the techniques were what really appealed to me. The whole thing just made sense in terms of working 'with' your body to achieve a calm birth. ZT



We had a really positive labour experience which we are all so grateful for. Not having a cocktail of drugs in my system immediately after her delivery really helped with our bonding which has been lovely. B said that to support me at this birth felt completely different from I’s, much calmer and I certainly felt more in control.  Thank you so much for all the advice and information you gave us, it really helped us have the birth experience that we had hoped for. RA 2019



Honestly don't think I could have done it without the classes we did with you and mostly the fact that it gave Neill the confidence to be the best labour partner ever. Had no pain relief at all and there is NO way I could have done that without the breathing practice. Thank you SO much for helping give us such an empowering experience. LC



I can't thank you enough for equipping me with the knowledge that carried me through the birth. I literally feel like I breezed through it and no, I wouldn't say it was painful.  Hypnobirthing definitely gave me the knowledge I needed to really stay positive and know what was happening and why. It was so empowering!  HB



We are so thankful for the hypnobirthing training you gave us it was invaluable in helping us achieve the calm, natural childbirth we had hoped for. I have been and will continue to highly recommend you to expectant mums.  GK



the labour was the opposite to our first - quick, calm and positive. It was exactly what we had hoped for. Thank you again for everything.  I really think that hypnobirthing and a different approach to labour helped us to have a completely different experience than before. I would recommend it (and have been) to anyone.  And using the techniques was also useful in the early days of breastfeeding when M struggled to latch and it was sore.  AP



Thank you so much for your support, without the hypno birthing classes and what we learnt from attending 2 of the home birth support groups you suggested, we would have had a very different experience. I did feel in control and confident that my body was doing what it was created to do. L S (jan 2018)



Nearly a year after the birth of my second son, I put on the hypnobirthing CD I used when he was born. Within the first few notes I was transported back to the happiest time of my life. During the birth and the few weeks leading up to it I felt quite literally 'out of this world', living in a cocoon of peace, tranquility and safety. The hypnobirthing course enabled me to access a deep strength that I never knew I had. It made me whole; it made my baby's birth magical. Thank you.  ES 2016



It was all very special and very different to my first. I feel at peace with everything, no regrets whatsoever.  G is a really calm and content little baby - complete opposite to our first!  

I am over the moon with how it all went, the Hypnobirthing helped tremendously. Sharief was extremely supportive and said all the right things. Thank you so much for all of your time, if it wasn’t for you I may not have had the birth I wanted. BA 2018


I thought you wouldn’t mind me sharing our happy news of the safe and calm arrival of our baby girl F weighing 8lbs 3oz.
The labour was incredible and everything I could have ever wanted. I can honestly say that I enjoyed it, if ever I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with the parenting side of things all I need to do is think about my labour to feel better. I laboured for the majority of the time at home, managing two long walks and plenty of snacks- we even built a nest which has unbelievable powers of comfort. It was a very active labour and I had her naturally, with no interventions or pain relief, in the birthing pool. Our midwife was phenomenal and left A completely to it to guide me through the stages with the hypnobirthing tapes guiding me in the background the entire time. 
Your expertise, knowledge and techniques were invaluable and we feel eternally grateful that our birth was so beautiful thanks to your assistance. I will be forever grateful Libby, thank you. X  SC 2019

Exeter, UK

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